The Power of Sharing Ideas

This is my first blog post. I decided to start writing a blog as a way to share my ideas and opinions with anyone interested in reading them. But also as a way to store my beliefs and information regarding my projects. First of all, let me clarify that this blog in its entirety is biased towards my opinion and that is its intent.

I believe that sharing ideas is extremely important. Ideas can be very powerful and have great impact on others, and so I believe that gathering different perspectives on a topic is crucial to be able to shape your own belief.

Throughout my blog posts I will be providing my thoughts on a wide range of topics, and sharing projects I work on and commenting on what I learnt as I worked on them.

Who am I?

I am a 15-year-old developer from Latin America. Online I am known as DevX. I am interested in game development, web development and technology overall. I began learning how to program at the age of 9, having worked on a series of projects, most of which I’ve abandoned, though, they’ve served to help me gain a deeper understanding on how programming works.

Why did I start a blog?

I had already been thinking for a while about starting a blog, but the main reason I ended up carrying it out was because of a video posted by a tech YouTuber I follow: NetworkChuck, in which he explains how and why to start a blog in 2024.

His video was the source of inspiration for this blog, but I decided to do it in a different way than his. Instead of using Hugo, I chose to implement my blog in Jekyll, a static site generator which allows simple and fast deployment on GitHub.

Together with the open source Rain theme, developed 7 years ago by Inela Avdic Hukic, which I then later updated to better fit my interests.